Jake Memery

Jake Memery

Xignal Product Manager

What is it?

Xignal S1000D Suite is the first and only Software as a Service (SaaS) S1000D suite enabling anyone to create S1000D from scratch, with no tools installed on your machine and no IT requirements.

It is also available on-premise for those customers who are unable to adopt a cloud solution.  Contact us for more information about the IT requirements and pricing.

What does it comprise of?

It is a Common Source Database (CSDB), integrated WYSIWYG editor, and full PDF publisher for your end user manuals.

How much does it cost?

Unlike most S1000D solutions, all of our components are built into one affordable subscription price.

No need to buy separate editor licences, seats for publishing, and licenses for stylesheets. Everything you need is bundled in, including support and training!

For an exact price get in touch with us and we can work up a price for you based on your licensing requirements.

How long will it take to get me up and running?

No time at all.

We can have a private, secure tenancy created for you along with your own login in a matter of a couple of hours.

You’ll get your own unique URL (including your company name in the URL), be assigned a Super User account and you’re off and running.

Set up users, set up projects, and with the ‘quick start guide’ available when you log in, you’ll be creating S1000D in no time!

How much training will I need?

Very little.

Even with no XML experience you’ll be able to produce S1000D in very little time. Our system has been designed for that exact purpose in mind, to reduce the complexity of  S1000D tools and provide and easy to access, easy to use, modern fresh approach to S1000D data production and delivery.

What’s more, we’re confident you’ll be productive in no time.

The training is offered free of charge, as is support and maintenance.

Can I customise the workflow?

Yes you can.

Your workfows and review processes can be as simple or as rigorous as you like. And you can involve any role as part of that workflow, including any custom roles you configure.

This means you can involve Engineering, Safety, SMEs, Quality, whomever you like.

You can even set up roles for external users like customers or suppliers, and involve them in your workflow/review process!

Does it have an integrated IETP/IETM Viewer?

Yes, we offer an Add-on S1000D Viewer output called Xignal View which is a lightweight IETP viewer.  You can find out more about this here.

How and where is it hosted?

Our standard offering includes hosting in Azure datacentres.

The data is not held by us. It is encrypted, backed up and protected.

We also offer other hosting models to allow you to host the data within your own MS Azure datacentres or install the solution on-premise.

How secure is it?

Security is the single most important aspect for all of our customers. And it’s the single most important aspect for us too.

That’s why we choose MS Azure as the platform for our data hosting. With full end-to-end data encryption, 2 factor authentication (2FA) log in protocols, token authentication mechanisms in place, the data is about as secure as its possible to be.

Far more secure than the data sat on servers in your building in most cases!

Do you do on-premise deployments or is it all cloud?

On-premise is possible – speak to our team for details and prices.

Contact us

Considering smarter ways of authoring and collaborating with S1000D? Speak to our team.