Microsoft Word to S1000D conversion Add-in
If you need to convert Word documents into S1000D, our S1000D conversion Add-in for Microsoft Word will provide huge time savings and help you avoid errors with automatic Word to S1000D conversion.
Quick, simple and integrated into Microsoft Word
- More than 10x faster than manual conversion
- Map existing styles to S1000D styles within Word
- Data modules are generated automatically
- Batch convert entire folders of Word docs
- Minimal training required
- Save thousands compared to manual conversion
Convert Word to S1000D with our intuitive style mapper
No need for extensive tagging or lengthy preparation; use our style mapper from within Word to assign Word styles in your document to S1000D styles – so much faster than manual cut and pasting.
Automatically create illustrations and tables directly from your Word document
Specify any custom business rules for numbering and prefixes, then let Xignal automatically generate all the valid S1000D tables and create properly referenced illustrations from your Word document.
Batch convert hundreds of documents from a single set-up
Accelerate the conversion of your legacy documents by configuring Xignal within one document, then applying the settings to batch convert multiple Word documents into S1000D data modules.