The team behind Xignal are S1000D practitioners who have worked in the industry for many years.

Xignal is developed by GPSL, experts in complex information management and publishing, with particular strengths in XML and S1000D. We understand first-hand the challenges and steep learning curve that are imposed by traditional XML authoring tools. We have also experienced the frustration of sharing S1000D data across the supply chain, knowing that we have to keep it all secure but trying to make things happen within deadlines.

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It was out of this context that Xignal was born. We set out to build a modern, easy-to-use cloud solution that would provide all the sophistication and power of S1000D, while the system takes care of the complexity of the underlying project structures, business rules and XML. Less than two years later our cloud service was launched and our ability to serve this challenging market was proven by the very first customer, a key supplier of technology to NATO.

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We are based in the UK, USA and Australia and our customers include leading aerospace and defence organisations worldwide.

Find out more about our S1000D CSDB, authoring tools and Word to S1000D converter. Take a look or get in touch.

Read more about our Cloud S1000D Solution

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Xignal S1000D launches in South Korea

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