Kate Hawkins

Kate Hawkins

The Xignal Team

Xignal S1000D webinar replay

One of the key advantages of S1000D is the efficient use of data, or more specifically the efficient reuse of data.

This comes in many forms; from the fact that the whole S1000D concept is based around small reusable modules of content, to more advanced concepts like Applicability and Common Information Repositories (CIR).

Often however, these concepts that offer the most benefit in terms of efficiency, get the least attention and adoption. Often seen as too complex, they’re left aside in favour of just getting the job done. Whereas a little upfront time and attention could save a lot of time and money while maximising efficiency long term.

S1000D is a big and daunting specification. But with the right tools and the right partnership, it can be made much simpler.

In this 30 minute webinar, Jake Memery runs through the basics of setting up CIRs and Applicability models, and shows you how to use them in the authoring environment to take full advantage of data reuse methodology and maintain that ‘single point of truth’ in your project.

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