Kate Hawkins

Kate Hawkins

The Xignal Team

ATA Spec 1000BR is here - Civil Aviation Business Rules for S1000D now supported in Xignal S1000D Suite

We are delighted to announce that the Xignal S1000D Suite now supports ATA Spec 1000BR delivery requirements.

In addition to the standard S1000D PDF output, Xignal S1000D Suite now also includes the option to publish to the ATA S1000BR Component Maintenance Publication (CMP) PDF output format. Xignal S1000D has you covered with Business Rules and Stylesheet support for S1000D in the Civil Aviation industry.

About ATA Spec 1000BR

S1000D is an international specification for the production and delivery of electronic technical publications. It is designed to allow tailoring of the data for various products/projects through development of project-specific business rules.
ATA Spec 1000BR provides the Business Rules and additional guidance for implementation of S1000D in the Civil Aviation industry.
Where S1000D gives plenty of flexibility in how you can structure your publications, Spec 1000BR is provides the exact industry chapter headings and what content needs to be within those headings, leaving you only to choose which data goes where. Consistency – as we know – is the friend of any maintainer.

Find out more about ATA Spec 1000BR

If you need to produce your publications in accordance with ATA S1000BR, give us a shout and we’ll show you how Xignal can help you meet your contracted deliverables.

Contact us

Considering smarter ways of authoring and collaborating with S1000D? Speak to our team.